MP's Vote in favour of in favour of motion to create Hospitality Minister

We are delighted to hear that MPs have voted in favour of a motion to create a Minister for Hospitality after the ‘Seat At The Table’ petition, founded by journalist Claire Bosi, gained over 200,000 signatures.
Supporters of the campaign argue that having a Minister of Hospitality would provide better care for the industry and help promote the importance of its economic and social contributions to the country as the UK’s third largest employer, responsible for 3 million jobs directly and a further 1.8 million indirectly.
In parliament, representation for hospitality is currently split between two crowded government departments: the department for business, energy and industrial strategy and the department for digital, culture, media and sport.
A Minister of Hospitality is something the industry has wanted and needed for a long time, but with the pandemic it has been particularly damaging to the industry, with last minute changes in restrictions, so the campaign feels timely. The petition has been backed by high profile chefs and restaurateurs including Robin Hutson, Tom Kerridge, Angela Hartnett and Jason Atherton.
The Seat at the Table campaign seeks to give the hospitality industry a clearer, and stronger voice.
A dedicated minister would:
Be the champion and guardian of hospitality in parliament, promoting the importance of the economic, social and employment contribution of our industry to society.
Be fully invested and have deep understanding of this complex industry
Drive cohesive thinking and strategy at the top table inclusive of all sub sectors
Advance the status of Hospitality and Tourism in parliament.